- Cloud-Based PC-OFF Product That Requires No Separate System Setup
- Easily Manage Attendance and PC Usage Status Through Automatic Integration with Existing Shiftee Solutions
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Shiftee, a leading integrated workforce management solution provider (CEO: SeungWon Shin), has launched a new product, Shiftee Desktop, which comes equipped with a PC-OFF feature.
The newly introduced Shiftee Desktop is a desktop-based solution that includes PC-OFF functionality, enabling businesses to implement a cloud-based PC-OFF system without the need for separate infrastructure setup. In addition to its PC-OFF capabilities, Shiftee Desktop offers a range of features designed to help office employees track and manage their working hours efficiently and accurately. These include PC clock-in and clock-out, overtime PC usage management, Desktop Screen Blcoker Suppression, PC Idle Time.
Beyond its functional benefits, Shiftee Desktop stands out in terms of connectivity and scalability. Businesses already using Shiftee’s web and mobile app can seamlessly synchronize them with Shiftee Desktop, ensuring real-time updates of PC-based attendance records and activity logs. This integration helps prevent missing clock-in/out records. Additionally, the system can automatically control PC usage based on pre-registered work schedules and leave records. If employees need to request PC usage extensions, provide explanations for idle time, or apply for overtime work, they can do so easily through Shiftee’s request-approval system.
Shiftee Desktop is also compatible with existing security and access control systems, such as SECOM and CAPS. Companies that currently manage attendance using these systems can continue using them for clock-in/out while leveraging Shiftee Desktop’s PC-OFF feature to regulate PC usage after work hours, helping to prevent excessive overtime and optimize idle PC time management.
Most importantly, Shiftee Desktop’s cloud-based PC-OFF system provides an efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional on-premises PC-OFF solutions, making adoption and operation significantly easier. It is particularly well-suited for companies of all sizes looking to enforce the 52-hour workweek and offer flexible work arrangements, such as staggered work hours, flexible schedules, and discretionary work systems.
Shiftee continues to lead the domestic workforce management solution market, serving over 200,000 businesses, including major corporations like Kakao and SK. In 2023, the company was selected as a cloud service voucher and remote service voucher provider under a government initiative by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.
Integrated Workforce Management Solution, Shiftee