Company Settings - Integrations

Updated At: 2023-07-10

Only Owners can manage integrations.
  • Shiftee provides integration services for Open API, Slack, Kakao Agit, Google Calendar, Secom, Greeting, SSO and more.
  • Experience improved workforce management with easy integrations.

📢  Note

• Integration with 'Slack, Google Calendar, Microsoft Teams/Outlook' is available when you register for the integration package from [Company Settings > Payment] page.
• For other integration services such as API, Secom, Caps, and Electronic Signature, please apply through our Contact Sales page.


Shiftee offers an integration package with Slack, Google Calendar, Teams/Outlook and more for a more efficient experience.


Go to Company Settings > Integrations menu to set up the integration.


Easily integrate with the existing ERP or HR solutions using our Open API for quick implementation tailored to your company's operational environment.


📢  Note

• To use our API integration service, please apply through our Contact Sales page.
• With the issued token, you can access administrator APIs such as on-boarding and off-boarding management, HR information synchronization, and team management.


STEP 1 ) Use the integration package for Slack integration.


STEP 2 ) After registration, click the activated Connect button and select the integration type.


STEP 3 ) Choose the channel to integrate and click Allow button. web_slackIntegration3

You can receive notifications for attendance(clocking in and out), leave days(approved through requests) once Slack integration is complete.


Google Calendar

STEP 1 ) Use the integration package for google calendar integration. web_google-calendar-1

STEP 2 ) After registration, click the activated Calendar Integration button and enter the calendar ID and select the options you need. web_google-calendar-2

STEP 3 ) Choose the account to integrate and click Allow button. web_googleCalendarIntegration3

You can check that approved schedules are reflected in Google Calendar once integration is complete.


📢  Note

• Please note that schedules(approved through requests) are reflected in Google Calendar once integration is compelte.
• Only schedules after the integration settings are reflected.

Microsoft Calendar

STEP 1 ) Use the integration package for Microsoft Outlook/Teams Calendar integration.


STEP 2 ) After regiration, clcik the activated Connect button and enter the calendar ID to integrate and set the detailed options.


📢  Note

You can easily find the Microsoft Outlook Calendar account ID on the Microsoft Graph website by clicking Outlook Calendar > all my calendars and checking the "ID" section.

STEP 3 ) Select the account to integrate and complete the integration.


STEP 4 ) Shifts, leave schedules (approved through requests) are reflected in the calendar once the integration is complete. web_microsoftCalendarIntegration4

These schedules are also reflected in the Microsoft Teams calendar as well. web_microsoftCalendarIntegration5


STEP 1 ) You can integrate Secom's attendance records to Shiftee. For inquiries about Secom integration, please Contact Sales team. If you have any inquiries, please conact our support team through email at


STEP 2 ) Once the Secom integration is complete, you can check that the attendance records from Secom are reflected in Shiftee. web_secom-2

ADT Caps

STEP 1 ) You can integrate ADT Caps's attendance records to Shiftee. For inquiries about Caps integration, please Contact Sales team. If you have any inquiries, please conact our support team through email at


STEP 2 ) Once the Caps integration is complete, you can check that the attendance records from Caps are reflected in Shiftee.



STEP 1 ) Through integration with recruitment solution Gretting, you can easily import successful candidates' personnel information into Shiftee. Click Generate Integration Token to receive a token for Greeting integration.


📢  Note

Greeting integration is available when using the Integration Package.

STEP 2 ) Complete service integration by copying the token and registering it under [Settings > Integrations] on the Greeting admin page.


📢  Note

See Registering Greeting's successful candidates as employees in Shiftee for datailed setup instructions in Greeting.

STEP 3 ) Once employee registration is complete, you can see that the personeel information of Greeting's successful candidates has been registered on the [Manage > Employees] page.


📢  Note

If using the employee number feature in Company Settings - Employee, numbers are assigned randomly.

Kakao Agit

Integrate with Kakao Agit, a communication collaboration tool, to view and share Shiftee-registered employees' work and leave schedules on Kakao Agit. Complete integration by entering the issused token into Kakao Agit.


SSO Integration

Log in to Shiftee using Single Sign-On (SSO), supported by many IDP services such as Okta, OneLogin, and Active Directory. If you have any inquiries, please conact our support team through email at


📢  Note

SSO ingetration is available with Enterprise Plan.
Please leave an inquiry for a SSO integration service.

Need more help?

We are happy to help you with any technical support or other inquiries.