Frequently Asked Questions about Wage Settings

Updated At: 2023-05-03

Learn how to set up wage rules with frequently asked questions and related examples.

📢  Note

Please refer to the following guides for basic insturctions regarding wage information.
Manage Employee's Wage Info
Manage Employee's Wage Info
Wage - Maximum Working Hour Rule

1. How is Overtime Calculated?

Overtime is calculated when working hours exceed contractual working hours set from wage > contractual working hour rule.
You can check overtime hours in real-time report > ‘overtime hours’ related columns.

2. What is Unit Period?

The unit period refers to the period in which working hours are calculated based on the employees' wage rules.
For example, you can set the period to apply the wage rules as follows.

① Unit Period : 1 Week

The unit period of the contractual/maximum working hour rules applies from the start date of the unit period(Monday, May 1st).
From this start date, you can check overtime hours on a weekly basis.

② Unit Period : 1 Month

The unit period of the contractual/maximum working hour rules applies from the start date of the unit period(Monday, May 1st).
From this start date, you can check overtime hours on a monthly basis.

❔  When viewing the report, it appears as N/A. What should I do?

If you see N/A on a report, adjust the date range to match the unit period start date(day of the week) and unit period set in the wage rules.

3. What's the Difference between the Contractual Working Hour Rule and Maximum Working Hour Rule?

Contractual Working Hour Rule sets the ‘working hours’ that an employee must work.
An employee's contractual working hours are determined based on the contractual working hour rule, and overtime hours are calculated if they work beyond this.

Maximum Working Hour Rule sets the ‘maxmimum hours’ that an employee can work.
An employee's maximum working hours are determined based on the maximum working hour rule, and exceeding this becomes the standard for determining maxmimum hours.

4. What is the Minimum/Maximum Overtime Threshold?

① Minimum Overtime Threshold

The minimum overtime threshold sets the minimum time an employee can work beyond their contractual working hours.

Set the minimum overtime threshold to ‘0’ to consider all hours beyond contractual working hours as overtime.
All hours worked beyond the contractual working hours will be calculated as overtime.

If using a comprehensive wage system in your company, set the minimum overtime threshold according to the pre-agreed overtime hours in the company's labor contract.

Overtime is not calculated up to the minimum overtime threshold set within this period.
For example, if set as above, it will be considered overtime if it exceeds ‘contractual working hours + 20 hours per month’

② Maximum Overtime Threshold

The maximum overtime threshold sets the maximum time an employee can work overtime after exceeding their contractual working hours.

In case of the 52-hour workweek in Korea, it is set as shown above in Shiftee. The maximum hours that an employee can work in a week is calculated as follows.

▶︎ Contractual working hours(40 hours) + maximum overtime hours[12 hours/7 days(maximum overtime threshold period) ⅹ 7(unit period)] = 52 hours

📢  Example

Let's see how it is calculated in other cases.
If an employee's contractual working hours are set to 8 hours per day for 1 month and the maximum overtime threshold are set to 40 hours for 1 month, it would be calculated as follows.

(e.g. : August 2022)
Contractual working hours 176 hours(8 hours*22 days) + maximum overtime hours 40 hours(can work up to 40 hours per month) = 216 hours

5. How Do I Limit Working Hours to 8 Hours Per Day?

To limit working hours to 8 hours per day, set it as follows.

You can only create work schedules up to 8 hours per day, and all other working hours will be counted as overtime in the report.
You can also set it by day/week/month according to company regulations.

📢  Note

If you use the request feature with a standard or higher plan, when an employee creates/edits a work schedule, the #overtime tag is attached and requires approval from the manager.
Also, if the scheduled hours exceed the maximum overtime hours, an employee cannot send a request to the manager.

6. Contractual Working Hours and Overtime Measurement Standard Vary Among Different Affiliates/Departments Within the Company. How Should I Set the Wage Information?

Assign different wage information to each employee.
Like shift templates, wage inforamtion can also be templated and assigned to employees. Create and use the necessary wage inforamation from Manage > Wage menu.

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