Download Attendances as Excel

Updated At: 2023-07-18

Owner, Manager and Supervisor(Restricted) can export attendance Excel file.
  • You can download Attendance Records and Payroll as Excel files on the attendance page.
  • You can download attendance record Excel files as calendar or list type.

Attendance Calendar Type

On the attendance calendar page, you can download the attendance record details.
Select teams/locations(active/inactive) and click the ‘Export’ button in the upper right corner.

Select the options and click ‘export’ button.

If an employee has recorded attendance at multiple teams/locations, you can check the records for all teams/locations where the employee has attended.

Attendance List Type

Select employees and period on the attendance list page and click ‘export’ button in the upper right corner.

You can check detailed information such as attendance and break times according to work schedules.

Payroll Excel

Click the ‘export’ button in the upper right corner of the calendar/list page and select details to download.

Period : Choose a period.
Employees : Choose employees.
Payroll : Download based on shifts or attendance records. You can view all details in one file if all options are selected.

📢  Note

• For payroll, 'payroll time unit' from Company Settings - Payroll is applied.
• For detailed payroll settings, check Payroll.

(Scheduled) is based on work schedules and (Actual) is based on attendance record.
You can check detailed explanations of the terms for each item in Report Columns.

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